Mackenzie Research Institute
Mackenzie Research Institute (MRI) seeks to create and advocate ideas that can improve tertiary education in Australia for industry and the wider community, providing greater student opportunities for access and success. What is unique about the Institute is that it will advocate from a technical and further education perspective. It seeks to achieve its purpose by:
-suggesting and/or developing strategies that can enhance the capabilities of TAFE institutes
-actively producing policy-based research that challenges the existing tertiary framework in Australia
-engaging in public debate and with government, business and social institutions to influence tertiary education in Australia so that it better meets the needs of students and the demands of a global economy.
Its activities and strategies include:
-the publication of position papers on issues of significance
-the dissemination of positions through media outlets, conferences engagement of government, business and other tertiary institutions
-the initiation and/or hosting professional development programs
-undertaking research relevant to its purpose in conjunction with others, or for others.
The Mackenzie Research Institute (MRI) is an independent research institute situated at Holmesglen. The MRI’s views are not necessarily the views of Holmesglen.
The VET sector post COVID-19
2022-04, Karmel, Tom
This paper is intended to focus on this issue by looking more generally at how VET has fared during COVID-19.
Fit for purpose? Reforming tertiary education in Australia. Supplementary Paper
2019, Mackenzie, Bruce
A supplementary to the 'Fit for purpose? Reforming tertiary education in Australia' discussion paper.
Fit for purpose? Reforming tertiary education in Australia. Discussion paper.
2019, Mackenzie, Bruce
VET and international students
2023-04, Karmel, Tom
The purpose of this paper is to look at international students in VET in some detail – where they come from, the fields they study, and the outcomes on completion.
The impact of COVID-19 on apprentices and trainees
2021-12, Karmel, Tom
The outbreak of COVID-19 has led to the greatest dislocation in the labour market for many decades. While unemployment has remained pleasingly low, the disruption to ordinary life and business has been immense. The purpose of this paper is to speculate on the impact of COVID-19 on the number of apprentices and trainees and the consequent supply of skills.