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  • Publication
    Empowering information technology students for employment success through online and flexible learning modes
    COVID-19 has compelled businesses to accelerate the adoption of digital technologies and rethink traditional models to enhance customer value and maintain a competitive advantage. This presentation explores innovative approaches to IT training which leverage online and remote training options to empower students. By focusing on flexible delivery modes, including the HyFlex model (Gogia 2021), we aim to address the dual challenge of meeting the skill needs of the IT sector and enhancing productivity in the digital economy. In conclusion, this study exemplifies how online and flexible learning modes can be effectively utilised to empower learners by providing accessible, engaging, and relevant training. Students are prepared for successful employment outcomes in the IT fields but also contributes to addressing the broader skill needs and productivity challenges in the digital economy. This presentation calls for further research and investment in flexible learning models as a strategic approach to workforce development.